The humble beginnings of Lake Tribe Brewing dates back to circa 2010. Founder and Head Brewer Jesse Ross, Mechanical Engineer, amateur chef, and craft beer enthusiast wanted to try his hand at 'the ultimate craft'. The self-taught home brewer with a strong background in science, engineering, and culinary arts started out with one simple goal. To explore the vast art of fermentation, and have some fun along the way.
It wasn’t long before Jesse partnered up with co-founders Jason Ross (brother) and Connor Ross (father) that the demand for these outdoorsy centric experimental craft beers outgrew the stove top setup. The founders expanded the setup and started brewing larger batches of their specialty beers for local events, weddings, and family get-togethers.
As with any well told story, in order to go forward we must first acknowledge our roots. The name "Lake Tribe" stems from a recreational camping group composed of several different families (including our founders) that to this very day try to get together for different outdoor adventures. The Lake Tribe, a motley crew of fathers and sons that share a common passion for enjoying great quality craft beers and a natural affinity for the great outdoors. Red Cloud IPA quickly became our flagship beer.
Our motif, the fire, represents our passion. Whether it is the spark of an idea for a new beer to craft or the warmth of good company, it all comes down to our favorite escape from everyday life-- gathering around a campfire with our loved ones and drinking a tasty cold beer.
The Lake Tribe brewery at 3357 Garber Drive was inspired by the many tall bon fires, scenic campsites, and outdoor mess halls that made up our childhood. Lake Tribe Brewing Company will forever cherish its roots as we continue to craft beers to be enjoyed by all.